Unlock Knowledge: Top Tools to Access Publications

“Empowering students to access a world of knowledge ethically, and unlocking barriers with top tools should be of utmost concern. The goal is to expand horizons, fuel curiosity, and ignite intellectual growth.”

— Emmanuel Apetsi

Unsurprisingly, despite fast-rising innovations, students often encounter obstacles when accessing valuable research materials and documents in today’s digital age. However, ethical solutions exist that can help them overcome these barriers while maintaining integrity in their academic pursuits; of course, we must protect academic integrity.

In this article, I will introduce you to a curated list of top tools that empower students to navigate through restricted access, enabling them to unlock a world of knowledge. Join me as we explore these ethical tools designed to expand horizons, fuel curiosity, and pave the way for intellectual growth while giving you a leap in your academic life. Get ready to embark on a journey where learning knows no boundaries. Let’s unlock knowledge together!

1. Open Access Button

Visit: openaccessbutton.org

2. Semantic Scholar

Visit: semanticscholar.org

3. Core

Visit: core.ac.uk

4. Science Open

Visit: scienceopen.com

5. Arxiv.org

Visit: arXiv.org

6. Google Scholar

Visit: scholar.google.com

7. ScienceDirect

Visit: ScienceDirect.com

8. 12ft.io

Visit: 12ft.io

9. Sci-Hub

Visit: sci-hub.hkvisa.net

10. Zendy.io

Visit: zendy.io

11. DOAJ

Visit: doaj.org

12. ERIC

Visit: eric.ed.gov

About Author /

I am an African with a dream and a plan to redefine the global technology landscape and a scientific guy with extraordinary ambitions. A Self-taught Engineer, Founder, Philanthropist, SDGs Advocate, Blockchain Enthusiast, Creative Thinker... #BeInspired #BeScientific

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